
Making plain language work for your business.

Most people assume literacy in the English-speaking world is extremely high. Unfortunately, it's not quite as great as we'd all like to think.

If you want your content to be readable and understandable to 85% of the general public, it needs to be hitting a readability grade of 8 or better.

And that's where Readable can help.

Readable uses tried and tested readability formulas, as well as our own proprietary scoring systems, to analyse the readability of your website or text and recommend ways to improve upon it.

Readable in Brief


The approximate number of words of content Readable has analysed as of the start of 2021.


The approximate number of web pages Readable monitors on an ongoing basis for customers.

18 Algorithms

Readable scores content using a collection of readability algorithms so customers can select the one that's most appropriate for them.


The year Readable graduated from a side project into a real business.

Readable's Core Features

  Website Analysis

Readable indexes and analyzes entire websites, and monitors their content on an ongoing basis.

  Readability API

The Readable API provides an easy way to integrate our proprietary readability scoring tools, including our profanity detector, into your software.

  Document Processing

Readable can process any and all text files you like, extracting and analysing their content in seconds.

  Comprehensive Metrics

Readable includes more readability algorithms, more metrics, and more writing style tips than any other tool.

  Real-Time Feedback

See your issues melt away as you edit your text with Readable's online editor updating its analysis in real-time.

Readable Customers Include ...